Transforming space into a thriving ecosystem for RAG Stiftung

What happens when you combine a large unused space, a pioneering vision, and a powerful partnership? A bustling Innovative Ecosystem. That's exactly what unfolded when betahausX and RAG Stiftung joined forces. This case study outlines our journey, and the transformational impact of our partnership with RAG Stiftung. It shows how betahausX and RAG Stiftung embarked on an ambitious project to transform a dormant space in Essen, Germany, into a thriving Ecosystem and innovation hub. Leveraging our expertise in strategic planning, value proposition and team building, we helped bring to life a dynamic ecosystem that unites startups, corporations, universities, and public institutions.


RAG Stiftung is a major investment company responsible for the financial obligations arising from Germany's hard coal mining operations. In addition to managing pit water and groundwater purification, RAG Stiftung is committed to promoting educational, scientific, and cultural projects in order to enable the sucessful transformation of Germany into the post-industrial era.

As part of their mission to foster a bright future for the former mining regions in the west of Germany, RAG Stiftung aimed to establish an innovative hub of European Significance in Essen, NRW. The plan was to unite local and global businesses, ranging from startups to corporations, universities, and public institutions, and create a leading European Innovation Hub. However, they needed assistance in forming a robust ecosystem of valuable partner organizations, selecting an optimal pop-up location for the hub, setting up the space, and recruiting a competent local team.Without expert guidance, RAG Stiftung faced potential setbacks in achieving their goal of creating a thriving ecosystem that encourages innovation and supports the future of the region.


betahausX successfully laid the groundwork for the new Innovation Hub, called Bryck, in Essen, Germany. By creating an ecosystem that promotes innovation and growth, we've helped lay the groundwork for the future of the region.

The solution and key benefits

In 12 month betahausX provided:

- Concept Development & Analysis: We examined multiple options for a "pop-up space", recommended a suitable location, and developed a compelling ecosystem narrative that stands out among other innovative ecosystems in Europe.

- Space Setup: We assisted in transforming the selected location into a space that fits the needs of future customers (coworking space). We also identified the core value propositions and potential ecosystem-participants.

- Team Recruitment: To ensure smooth operations, we helped RAG Stiftung to hire the most relevant employees for the hub space.

Our collaboration with RAG Stiftung resulted in several benefits:

- Strategic Location Selection: We helped identify the perfect location for the project.

- Value Proposition Definition: We made sure the Innovation Hub offers precisely what is needed to attract the right participants.

- Partnership Attraction: We identified the most relevant partners and helped turn them into ecosystem ambassadors.

- Space Creation: We transformed a vacant space into an attractive Innovation Hub and coworking space

- Talent Acquisition: We assisted in hiring the right people to foster ecosystem growth and ensure smooth operations.

About d.quarks and betahausX

Auf diese Fragen müssen alle Unternehmen und Organisationen schnell eine Antwort finden: Wie bleiben wir zukunftsfähig? Wie werden wir nachhaltiger? Mit welchen Geschäftsmodellen sind wir im digitalen Zeitalter genauso erfolgreich wie in der Vergangenheit? Unsere Partnerschaft hilft Antworten zu geben, denn wir verbinden den Zugang und das Wissen von Berlins ältester Startup-Community betahaus mit der Transformationserfahrung im Mittelstand und bei Familienunternehmen von d.quarks.

Mit Haltung gehen wir neue Wege.Wir machen Mut, mit den Veränderungen jetzt anzufangen und befähigen Menschen die Transformation selber durchzuführen.Dafür teilen wir unser Wissen, damit sich unsere Kunden in ihrer eigenen Geschwindigkeit verändern können. Dazu schaffen wir Dialogräume und entwickeln positive besetzte Zukunftsbilder.Wir arbeiten mit anderen kollaborativ, partizipativ und kokreativ zusammen.


With a keen understanding of RAG Stiftung's vision, betahausX played an integral role in bringing the Innovation Hub, Bryck, to life in Essen, Germany. Our efforts were pivotal in selecting a strategic location, crafting a compelling value proposition, and assembling the right team to run the hub. This case serves as a testimonial to our commitment to help clients build dynamic ecosystems that stimulate innovation and growth.